Friday, April 22, 2011

My Spam Mailbox

Let's not sugarcoat it. We all hate spam. We receive it in our regular mail, and we also get it in our email. I wouldn't be so mad if these companies would simply try to sell me their product by using truthful facts, but let's face it. These companies can be sneaky, deceitful, and just outright liars. Let's take a look at the spam folder in my gmail for just a few examples:

Really, Apple? Seriously? And just exactly who gave you this omnipotent knowledge to qualify you to make this decision? Are you telling me that an iPod touch is the PERFECT gift for any female on this planet who has ever given birth to a child? WHAT in the world is the correlation between mothers and technology? According to Apple's guarantee here, my 74-year-old grandmother is going to love her new iPod touch. I actually hope you do convince a thousand grandmothers to get an iPod touch, Apple. Your customer service representatives will have the time of their lives.

This one just makes me mad because they have terrible grammar. And they made my phone beep at 4:36am.

Now this one is really very interesting, Marion Felix. Fact 1) I am not a man. So thank you, but I am really not interested in ladies staring at me. Fact 2) I'm not sure how insecure you think the men you are sending this email to are, but speaking from a woman's perspective, I can honestly tell you that the watch a man is wearing does not in any way, shape, or form, determine if I want to date him. I am not even sure where you got such an idea. Maybe the shirt he's wearing could make him attractive. Maybe even the pants. But the watch? I've honestly never said, "Wow! Look at the wrist on that man!" Pick a different profession, Marion.

Okay. Now, I've heard of love at first sight, which is debatable on its own, but love at first instant message? If you can make someone fall in love with you by a couple of words you type to them, then that's some creepy talent you've got going for you there.

Wow, Justina J. I'm not sure who you are or why I even owe you this explanation, but what I really want to know is what the random letters stand for. That troubles me more than the stalkerish email itself.

Ipod touches for grandmothers, "flirtatious" watches, creepy instant message love confessions, and grammatically challenged stalkers wondering where I am. Praise the Lord for spam folders.