Saturday, March 6, 2010

Things that don't make sense

Sometimes, late at night, I ponder things. Things that no one else probably ponders. Lately, I've come up with a few things in this world that lack sense. I'm about to share one of them with you in hopes that you can clear up my confusion.

Glasses make people look smarter.

Why is it that when I pass a person in the street and they're wearing glasses, I automatically assume they're smarter than the average person? Really, glasses are for people with bad eyesight. There is absolutely NO correlation between smart brains and bad eyes. None. Whatsoever. It's not like God decided to bless those cursed with bad eyesight and make it up to them in the brains department. I don't think He works that way. In fact, maybe we all have it wrong. Maybe those with bad eyes should have eaten their carrots at a young age. Maybe we should start to associate people with glasses to the type of people who disobeyed their mommies and daddies when they were little. Next time I see a person with glasses I'm so gonna prejudge him or her as a rebel child. It will give dorks a much better name and the whole world will turn around and be a better place. Guaranteed.

And by the way, I am almost positive that this blog will one day solve all of life's problems.

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