Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes?

The other day I was making my bed and a song popped into my head: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. Has anyone ever heard this beautiful, heartwarming Disney song from Cinderella? If not, check out this snippet below:

After going over the lyrics in my head, I briefly zoned into dreamland as I thought about how beautiful the words are. I did, however, quickly zone back in as I realized how messed up this little theory is. A dream is a wish your heart makes!? I don't know about you, reader, but if this is the case, my heart is pretty messed up. Let me tell you why. Brace yourselves here, people:

The other day I dreamed that I was late to work because I was ordering food at Taco Bell.

So here's the conclusion I'm coming to. If this little hypothesis of Cinderella's is true, I honestly, truly, don't know whether to be proud of myself or feel downright pathetic that during my peaceful slumber my heart wishes to play hooky from work and eat some nasty takeout instead. I mean, it could have at least been lobster or filet mignon whilst on a date with a handsome man, or something to that extent. But my heart wishes for $5 takeout from the Taco Bell drive through?

 Let's see you sing a heartwarming, inspiring song about that, Cinderella.


  1. AAHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHA I JUST had this same thoguht not that long ago when i went thorugh a Disneys Grreatest Hits phase.

  2. I know! I wish little birds would make my bed and sing along with me as I hummed a tune about my dreams coming true!

  3. my only thought: maybe you want out of work so badly, you'd even go to taco bell to get away. idk
